The truth about the Palestinian narrative

It’s always good to be reminded about the origin of the Arab-Israeli conflict. In this short video you will learn that the Palestinian narrative was created only in 1964 and is all based on an outrageous lie, a perversion of history and a distortion of the truth.

Watch and learn.

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10 Responses to The truth about the Palestinian narrative

  1. Henry Dachowitz says:

    No video clip attached to your post.

    Henry M. Dachowitz


    • anneinpt says:

      Henry, I can see it perfectly. Maybe try another browser? Or click this link and see it directly on Facebook:

      Sorry about that.

      I’m also editing your comment to remove your private details. I’m sure you don’t’ want them online!

  2. Pingback: The truth about the Palestinian narrative – 24/6 Magazine

  3. Earl says:

    A thorough, factual overview.

    Regrettably, progressives don’t “do” facts…

  4. Reality says:

    A very good video.This must be shared

  5. Brian Goldfarb says:

    Video worked for me, I’m happy to say.

    Just a shame that so many just aren’t prepared to accept the facts of history. Shame about their water years years of education!

    • anneinpt says:

      As I said to Earl above, there are people who don’t want to be confused with facts, which is why we have to keep on hammering our point home.

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