#Jerusalem50: Chag Same’ach! Yom Yerushalayim 5777 – 2017

The 50th anniversary of the recapture and reunification of Jerusalem, as well as the liberation of Judea and Samaria (and Gaza, which was then unwisely given over to Hamas in 2005) has finally arrived. The city of Jerusalem has been celebrating for days already, and the press and social media are bursting full with stories, anecdotes and historical revelations. I’ve been trying to keep pace in my own way which I hope is of interest to you.

The Jerusalem municipality put on a fabulous sound and light show on Sunday night which you can watch in full here: Sound and Light Show – 50 years of united Jerusalem

You can see some excerpts below.

There was an amazing light show with drones or robotic gliders:



And of course the Hatikva accompanied by a beautiful light show on the walls.


And let us not forget the original event which we are all celebrating:


The most iconic photo of the Six Day War was the three paratroopers gazing in awe at the Kotel:

The iconic Rubinger photo of the three paratroopers at the recaptured Western Wall in June 1967 (Courtesy Rubinger/Knesset Collection)

Fifty years later the paratroopers, who have recreated the photo several times since, recreated it one more time:

The David Rubinger photograph of three paratroopers standing in silent awe in front of the recaptured Western Wall after the battle for Jerusalem in 1967 has become the defining image of one of the most significant moments in Israel’s history.

With the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War approaching, Zion Karasenti, Haim Oshri, and Dr. Itizik Yifat returned to the Old City this week to remember the moment.

From L to R, Haim Oshri, Dr. Itzik Yifat and Zion Karasenti stand in front of the Western Wall in April 2017, 50 years after the three former paratroopers were resonantly photographed at the holy site by David Rubinger immediately after its capture in the Six Day War. (screen capture: Channel 2)

Karasenti, Oshri, and Yifat described to Channel 2 News how they, as 20-something reserve duty soldiers, inadvertently became the symbol of a nation fulfilling a 2,000 year dream.

“There were snipers everywhere, especially from overhead. They could have thrown a grenade on us and finished us,” Karasenti recalled of the battle for the Jerusalem holy site.

Since none of them had ever been to the Western Wall, which had been under Jordanian rule since 1948, they admitted that, at first, nobody was really sure they had even captured the “real thing.”

“Everyone talked about the Kotel [Western Wall] all the time, but we were new and we had never been there. That day was the first time any of us had ever been there,” Oshri said.

At the time there was only a narrow corridor separating the Western Wall of the Temple Mount from the nearby houses and buildings of the Old City.

“When they [our colleagues] raised the flag over the Western Wall, that was our sign,” Karasenti said.

“After the 48 hours of battle, we were tired and sweaty, our uniforms were dusty and bloodied, but when we walked down the stairs and saw the stones of the Western Wall, a lot of the guys started crying.

“It was an extraordinary thing, its hard to describe,” Karasenti said.

It wasn’t until after the war was over that the three men realized the picture of them taken by legendary photographer Rubinger had become famous worldwide.

“After the war, my neighbor who was a brand new immigrant from Poland, came running out to show me that my photo was in the Polish newspapers. I was shocked,” said Yifat.

“We did become a symbol of our strength,” Yifat said.

Karasenti said he too was surprised to see it on the front page of the Haaretz daily the following week.

“I showed it to my girlfriend at the time, I couldn’t believe it, I told her ‘look, someone took our picture!’”

To many, the 50th anniversary of Israel’s victory in the Six Day War — in which Israel captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula –is a bittersweet one. It represents half a century since the Old City and other historic Jewish sites returned to Jewish hands, but also half a century of Israeli military rule over the Palestinians.

Asked about the dual nature of the jubilee, the men appear to be as divided as Israeli society.

“There is something to be said for that [calling the image the start of the tragedy of the state of Israel] Yifat said. “I don’t believe that we should be ruling over another nation.”

“How can you say that as an Israeli who fought for something after 2,000 years of longing?” Karasenti shot back. “We returned the heart of the Jewish people to this land.”

Retorted Yifat: “What am I supposed to tell my grandchildren? That there will be war every year?”

Despite their political differences, the three men, now in their 70s, say they have remained close friends over the years.

Those three men were privileged to have lived through such momentous events and to have been able to fight with their own hands to liberate Jerusalem. For thousands of years Jews prayed for the restoration of Jerusalem, and here, they did it themselves!

And as the most fitting conclusion, here, once again, is Shuli Natan in her beautifully clear voice, singing the timeless anthem to Jerusalem, Yerushalayim shel Zahav – Jerusalem of Gold, It was written almost prophetically by Israeli poetess Naomi Shemer just before the Six Day War, and which she had to update with an extra verse after Israel’s stunning victory.


Happy Yom Yerushalayim!

!חג שמח ירושלים

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7 Responses to #Jerusalem50: Chag Same’ach! Yom Yerushalayim 5777 – 2017

  1. Pingback: #Jerusalem50: Chag Same’ach! Yom Yerushalayim 5777 – 2017 – 24/6 Magazine

  2. Yves P. says:

    you are right it was a fabulous show. Thanks for the link.

    • anneinpt says:

      I finally sat down to watch the entire show. I’m so annoyed with myself. I was in Jerusalem on Sunday and didn’t realize why we were being rushed home. It wasn’t because of Trump but because of the show. If I’d have realized I would have stayed!

      But I agree, the show was utterly fantastic! The performers, and especially the sound and light effects, were breathtaking. And I loved the version of Halleluya that was sung. It gave me shivers. I’m glad there’s a way to watch it over and over again.

      • Yves P. says:

        Anne could you clarify this point to me.

        Jerusalem’s reunification was celebrated on May 23-24 however the Six days war was from June 5 and 10, 1967. Why does the celebration occur 2 weeks earlier? Does it have to do with the type of calendar being used?


        • anneinpt says:

          Yes, it’s the type of calendar. In Israel we use the Jewish, lunar calendar for festivals and anniversaries. The religious sector use it for all dates, including birthdays and anniversaries.

          Yom Yerushalayim falls on 28th Iyar. Independence Day on 5th Iyar. Passover was on 15th Nissan. And of course all days begin the night before at sunset, and end the following day at sunset.

          The lunar year is only 354 days, so every 2-3 years an extra month is added at the end of winter. This is in order that Passover falls in the spring, because it is written in the Torah that Passover “falls in the month of spring”. (Deuteronomy 16:1).

          The cycle is a 19 year cycle, with 7 leap years in it. So every 19 years, the dates coincide. i.e. your “Hebrew” and “English” birthdays (as we called it) will coincide.

          You can read about it here: The Jewish leap year.

  3. Reality says:

    Thank you for he clips.I felt as if I could join in.Wishing the Jewish people many many more ימי ירושלים

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