Swords of Iron: A view from outside Israel (Guest Post)

This is another guest post by Brian Goldfarb, who sent me a kind of war diary as the horrific events of Simchat Torah, 7th October 2023 unfolded in front of his eyes while he was visiting family in New York:

Am Yisroel Chai!

Am Yisrael Chai!

Am Yisrael Chai! !עם ישראל חי

In what seems like a lifetime ago (in 2014), given the most recent events, Anne published this article, jointly authored by us both, the first part by me, the second by Anne. The historical context was the withdrawal by Israel from the Gaza Strip of all Israeli citizens, the dismantling of housing and much other infrastructure (much of which could be repurposed within “Green Line” Israel). The first major irony was the following destruction of the remaining Israeli built (mostly agricultural) infrastructure  – which had been left for the use of the Arab population – by Hamas, presumably because it was Israeli built. The following year there was the first (and only) election in Gaza, won by Hamas and which was followed by the murder of those few Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) politicians who had been elected. Mind you, Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the PLO Government in the West Bank is in the…is it the 15th or 16th year of…his 4 year term as President. So not much liberal democracy there either.

Since then, Hamas has ruled (hardly governing in any sense understood by those of us who live in functioning liberal democracies) Gaza, using its geographical base to launch numerous attacks on Israel and getting hammered by the IDF in reply and complaining about Israel’s overwhelming response every time. Some of you may recall that I wrote an article that included a section on what was the legal definition of a proportionate response by a state to being attacked. The answer was not a bullet for a bullet, but a force strong enough to halt the attacker. This means that every response by the IDF, from and including the 1967 war, has been a proportionate response to force and/or threats of force by Israel’s neighbours.

And then came October 7: a brutal, unprovoked attack by a terrorist organisation, so proclaimed by its own pronouncements, so designated by an increasing number of properly elected governments around the world, so defined by its Charter, killing more Jews (and other, non-Jewish Israeli citizens) than had been deliberately killed since the Holocaust. It is, apparently, several times worse, given the size of the population of Israel, than the death toll caused by the terrorists of 9/11. We were in New York, visiting the family there, and we woke up, hours after the event, to this. One notable (positive) event was the sudden switching  (literally as though a switch had been flicked) of MSNBC from its normal programming  as a comment on the politics of the US and some other parts of the world to becoming a news reporting channel.

Suffice to say, we were (and are) traumatised: my wife Ros has family in Israel: she rang them, of course: they were safe (for the time being) in the north of Israel; I emailed Anne: and she and her family were safe: they too live a distance (as these things go) away from Gaza. Still…The younger son of Ros’s family will probably not be called up: he was invalided out during his National Service (a training injury, not a wound), and his older brother is in the UK, posted there by his multinational company employer. Will he go back? No idea, and we haven’t asked…not for us to know or even appear to be pressuring him.

Of course, the IDF response has been aggressive (see the second paragraph of this article) and was even before the scale of the murderous incursion became apparent: Iron Dome did its job. The vast majority of rockets from Gaza were brought down short of their targets. In this regard, Hamas (and Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah) are living proof of Albert Einstein’s definition of madness: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. And it’s  only those who mindlessly chant “from the river to the sea…” who really believe that Israel it was that launched the rocket that fell into the hospital car park – you know, the people who don’t care that if “from the river…” came true, there would be another 6 million dead Jews. And, to my astonishment, one of the first non-Israelis to report otherwise was a BBC (yes! a BBC) reporter who was in Gaza and commented that the crater was too small for an Israeli rocket, and that he suspected that it was, as the IDF claimed, an Islamic Jihad rocket that fell  disastrously short.

When Israel’s real response comes, it, I both predict and fear, will be heavy. Those tanks aren’t there on the border for a training exercise. And given his response last time Hezbollah started sending rockets into Northern Israel and got a massive kick-back when Nasrallah (head of Hezbollah) said “Had I known the scale of the response, would I have started the shelling? No.”, we have to wonder what his game is. He must know that Israel has enough fire power to fight on two fronts, even against terrorists rather than regular troops.

And I have even heard a suggestion from a commentator in the area that he suspected that Israel already had agents in the field attempting to locate the hostages.

The contrast between the supporters of the two sides could hardly be more different. 100,000 (it is claimed: really? Who was doing the counting? The organisers?) people in London waving Hamas flags – the flag of an organisation designated as a terrorist organisation – and chanting “from the river to the sea…”

Anti-Israel demonstration in London, October 2023 from Ynet

Anti-Israel demonstration in London, October 2023

Sunday 22nd October saw 10,000 (it is claimed) of us in Trafalgar Square. Were we chanting for the destruction of Hamas? Well, one or two of the speakers did (Michael Gove M.P. and the Shadow Minister for International Trade), but beyond condemning the terror, the vast majority of speakers (including the Chief Rabbi of the UK) were demanding that the hostages be brought back (bring them home!). And we sang Hatikvah at the end: not a battle cry, not a call to arms, but a song celebrating Israel, Jerusalem and the Jewish people.

Pro-Israel rally in London, October 2023

Pro-Israel rally in Trafalgar Square, London, 22 October 2023 (From Times of Israel)

And President Joe Biden has been as good as his word: back in 2020, before the US presidential election, Anne kindly posted this article about whether Biden is good for Israel. There are now 2 (TWO) US Carrier Task Forces in the Eastern Mediterranean. loaded for bear (as the Americans would say) with military re-supplies for Israel. He has been consistent in his support for Israel, even though he and Netanyahu are hardly on the same page re domestic politics. But he did say, pre-election, that “Israel is our only true, true, friend in the region”.

To lighten the mood a bit, we were all so moved by the Canadian pianist Kevin Chen who opened his Carnegie Hall concert on 19th October 2023 with Hatikva in memory of the victims of Hamas:

Am Yisroel Chai!

Brian, thank you so much for this moving and touching recollection of seeing the terror attack and the atrocities from so far away, amid your very real worry for the safety of family and friends. And kol hakavod for participating in the rally at Trafalgar Square. The support of our Jewish brethren is so important for our morale here in Israel.

Since you wrote this letter – and apologies are owed to you from me for the delay in publishing this – events have overtaken your tale, with the IDF having now entered Gaza in full force, and the northern border heating up with Hezbollah provocations. I might write more about this at some stage but I’m not making any promises!

I would add one small (or not so small!) quibble about the BBC: you wrote that the BBC were the first ones to notice that the crater was too small to be an Israeli rocket. This may be so and I don’t doubt that you saw this comment. But the editors obviously had other ideas and a different agenda (we know what it is: demonise Israel wherever possible, and even wherever technically not possible). And this is not what the BBC eventually put in its headlines. as Camera report.

Those inflammatory and outright false headlines claiming that Israel deliberately targeted the hospital and killed 500 Palestinians incited some of the most massive anti-Israel, and more importantly anti-Jewish riots throughout the world, leading to shuls being burnt down, threats against Jews, chants of genocide and “from the river to the sea” and all the rest of that sickening farrago of racism and bigotry.

In any event, thank you so much also for that beautiful piano recital from Kevin Chien. Just what our aching souls need at the moment.

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13 Responses to Swords of Iron: A view from outside Israel (Guest Post)

  1. Reality says:

    Thank you for this post.Its wonderful to hear others from across the sea supporting us.I have been sent messages and had phone calls from friends and family overseas,but I am just as worried for them as they are for us! It’s just terrifying the hostility and anti Semitic protests and attacks happening worldwide.
    I cannot fathom the people who chant “Free Gaza!” From what? Do they even know? And how come no one demands Egypt to “Free Gaza?” How come no one has demanded Egypt to deal with the “open air prison”?
    It makes you sick and this is after they’ve seen all the atrocities.
    So thank you for supporting us

  2. Brian Goldfarb says:

    Reality, thank you. It is good to know that I have got it right when readers comment in this way. And if they disagree, to learn what I need to express differently and, hopefully, better.
    I would like to add to my article two further matters: firstly, for those who can access The Times of London, Daniel Finkelstein (who I mentioned in the article on the Wiener Library that Anne posted here a while ago) has a wonderful article in today’s (1/11/23) edition titled “Ceasefire supporters fail to understand Israel” and he does this by using the 1960s film (and book) “Exodus”, which is what so many of us here do understand by not supporting a ceasefire.

    On top of that, there is also an article in the same edition, on p. 8: “The target audience for (his) speech…was his own shadow cabinet, who have become increasingly vocal…for a permanent ceasefire…” He has made it clear that this is not Labour Party policy. While this risks a damaging split in the main opposition party, it does return the Labour Party to its traditional position on Israel and the Middle East. As far as Starmer is concerned, the Corbyn chapter is firmly closed. Anne published two articles of mine here some time ago on the Labour and accusations of antisemitism. Please see my next comment below for links to these.

  3. Brian Goldfarb says:

    Sorry for this long-winded approach, but I’m less tech savvy than Anne, so have had to do this the long-winded way…& thanks to anyone who comes back to re-read these articles!

    The first article was on Corbyn and whether he was (is?) an antisemite:
    (the £ sign is meant to be a hashtag, but my keyboard (or is it me?)

    the second article was on the report of the EHRC & the Labour Party:

    Guest Post: An end to #LabourAntisemitism? The EHRC publishes its report

    By the time the second article was published by Anne, Starmer was the leader of the Labour Party and a very different kettle of fish.

  4. Brian Goldfarb says:

    Here’s a link that Finkelstein article mentioned in my first comment above.


  5. Brian Goldfarb says:

    The effects of the war spreads wider & wider: 3 Latin America countries (Bolivia, Colombia & Chile ) recall their ambassadors from Israel. It may sound innocuous but it’s a pretty drastic step: it’s akin to de-recognising the country in question. Having suffered a military coup, with the elected President (Allende) assassinated and a reign of terror ensuing, Chile should certainly know better.

    As if that isn’t bad enough, today’s Jewish News (UK) reports that the word Gaza was daubed in red paint on a banner outside the Wiener Holocaust Library: click on the link below:
    If you would wish to show your solidarity with the Library, why not email them at info@wienerholocaustlibrary.org to express solidarity. I’m sure the staff would appreciate the moral support.

    Further, earlier today, Ros (Mrs G.) was told by friend that amazon.co.uk were selling T-Shirts with the slogan “from the river to the sea” printed on them. They have since gone. Ros sent an email at once to the CEO.

    We can’t find them now. Perhaps someone hi-jacked the site and managed to get on and do this for propaganda purposes and amazon took it down as soon as it was reported.

    • anneinpt says:

      It’s all so depressing. It’s like a worldwide pogrom on Israel and the Jews – for doing nothing more than any other country would do: defend ourselves. It makes me sick.

      I saw what happened to the Wiener Library. How low can they go? But I also saw that the management took the defaced sign to add to
      Its catalogue of antisemitic posters. Very slick move.

      Keep your heads up and take care.

      • Brian Goldfarb says:

        Anne, I sent my own email to the Wiener (where, for the info. of others, I volunteer) to sympathise and added a further note re taking the defaced banner inside, saying that I imagine the defacer didn’t intend to add to the Wiener’s collection of antisemitic banners!

  6. Brian Goldfarb says:

    I have today sent the following email to the MD of amazon.co.uk. It is, I hope, self-explanatory. You can find the email address of the MD immediately after the email:

    Dear Mr. Boumphrey

    I see that amazon.co.uk are still selling 3 t shirts for men with the slogan “from the river to the sea” on them, plus one with the Hamas flag displayed on it.

    This is despite the letters you will have received from various sources, including official ones, noting that this is in support of an organisation, Hamas, which has been declared a terrorist organisation by, among many others, the British government.

    Apart from apparently being quite happy to show support for a terrorist organisation which, quite unashamedly, has as one of the clauses in its charter (as do Hezbollah and the Palestine Liberation Organisation) a demand that Jews be killed anywhere and everywhere. This demand is a call to commit a crime against humanity.

    Your organisation appears to be willing to support, purely for profit, an organisation that exists only to eliminate Israel, a parliamentary democracy – the only one in the Middle East – and also to murder 6 or more million Jews.

    There is freedom of speech and there are breaches of human rights. Which do you wish your organisation to be remembered for: the former or the latter?

    It is also possible that amazon.co.uk could be subject themselves to the law, given the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organisation, and amazon is displaying, for sale, a t-shirt showing the Hamas flag.

    I trust that these extremely objectionable items (well beyond the bounds of decency, let alone the law) will be withdrawn from sale by your organisation forthwith.


    Brian Goldfarb

    email address: managingdirector@amazon.co.uk

    p.s. the shirts can be viewed by going onto to http://www.amazon.co.uk and writing in the search box t-shirts for men from the river to the sea – or at least one could 5 minutes ago.

  7. Brian Goldfarb says:

    Those who have access to The Times (of London) may find the article on pp 32-33 very interesting. It’s by Yascha Mounk . The (long) title reads “Obsession with identity has left too many blind towards Hamas”. The last paragraph is worth repeating in full: “Those who were shaken to the core by Hamas’s brutal rampage can nevertheless lament the innocent Palestinians who have died in this war. Conversely, those who support the Palestinian cause should be able to condemn the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust without reservation or qualification. It is a measure of the depth their ideological delusion that so many smart and famous people have, over the course of the last weeks, proven incapable of grasping this simple truth.”

    He mentions, specifically, Tilda Swinton & Steve Coogan who “were among cultural figures to sign the Artists for Palestine letter, which made no mention of the Hamas attacks”

    I’m waiting until his book “The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas & Power in our time” comes down in price!

  8. Brian Goldfarn says:

    Now that’s interesting: the t-shirts are still there and the Hamas flag one is back. But no such t-shirts on amazon.com (the US site). Clearly, for amazon.co.uk profit is far more important than ethics, business or otherwise.

  9. Brian Goldfarb says:

    Anyone still looking at this article: here’s an interesting article/essay from Gatestone Institute written by Henry Kissinger. Nothing wrong with his brain at the age of 100!

    Read and enjoy:


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