Simchat Torah 5778 – Chag Same’ach!

Simchat Torah

The marathon of Jewish holidays is almost over. as the last and most joyous festival of the holiday season approaches– Sukkot finishes tonight and Simchat Torah begins.

But before that, today, the last day of Sukkot, is known as Hoshana Raba, which despite the happy nature of Sukkot is a serious day, the last day on whcih we can repent before G-d seals the Book of Life for the coming year. Special selichot prayers and the Hoshanot tefila – a circling of the synagogue 7 times while holding the Lulav and Etrog – take place in the synagogues.

Hoshana Raba Tefilot at the Kotel

Arutz Sheva has a great photo essay of the prayer service at the Kotel early this morning, attended by thousands, and this video compilation of some of the prayers:

I can’t help always feeling a twinge of sadness as we leave the Sukkah and return to our home. The Israeli journalist and Jewish thinker Sivan Rahav-Meir has an interesting point to make:

A short idea before leaving the Succah: every year on Succot I am reminded of one of the first Divrei Torah (“vorts”, ideas related to the Torah) that I heard in my life. It was when I was 15, at the end of some meal in some educational meeting of teenagers, and a girl named Daphna declared: “It can’t be that we eat here without saying a vort, even just a small one”. I did not know what vort meant, but she immediately continued: “There is a strong connection between Succot and Passover. These two holidays teach us to appreciate the most basic things in life. In Passover we learn to appreciate bread when we have to do without it for a whole week; on Succot we learn to appreciate our home, when we have to do without it for a whole week”.
Every year anew I am reminded of her, of Passover and of Succot. It is a short, simple idea, but also a very deep one: when you feel the lack of something, when you leave your comfortable permanent house – you appreciate your daily life even more.

And now on to Simchat Torah, which in Israel is combined with Shemini Atzeret. As I wrote in previous years:

Simchat Torah (Rejoicing of the Torah). It is a day that is combined with Shemini Atzeret (lit: 8th day of Assembly) in Israel, whereas outside Israel it is celebrated over 2 days, with Shemini Atzeret first, and Simchat Torah on the next day, for reasons to be found here.

Simchat Torah

The festival is almost schizophrenic in character because its two parts are so completely different.  Shemini Atzeret is festive yet serious, with the Yizkor (memorial for the dead) prayer and Tefilat Geshem, the prayer for rain, (more on that here).

Simchat Torah on the other hand is pure joy, and in Israel, with the festival being celebrated all on one day, it always feels very strange to me to make the sudden switch from all the happiness and jollity of Simchat Torah to the serious prayers of Shemini Atzeret during the Musaf prayers.

But such is the reality of Jewish life I suppose, with seriousness and joy and celebration all rolled together.

So tonight we will all be gathering in shul to start the celebrations,  and the excitement of the day is something I still remember from my own childhood. All the Torah scrolls will be removed from the Aron Hakodesh  and distributed to congregants. Then the singing and dancing commences, with the Torah scrolls being danced round the shul in 7 hakafot; between each hakafah the Torahs are handed to other members. During the dancing sweets are handed out to the children who dance with their fathers holding flags (and bags to hold the sweets!).

Tomorrow morning, after morning services, the dancing with the Torah scrolls will be repeated, followed by the reading of the last chapters of the Torah: Zot Habracha (“This is the Blessing”), the blessing given by Moshe to the Children of Israel just before his death. The portion is read over and over (and over!) until every single member of the shul has been given an aliya. At that stage all the children are called up under a Chuppah, and they recite the Hamalach Hagoel prayer together with Shema Yisrael. It is an extremely exciting yet moving experience and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

There are several other customs on Simchat Torah: one person is nominated to be Chatan Torah, another to be Chatan Bereishit.

At the end of all the Torah readings, the Chatan Bereishit starts the Torah reading right from the beginning by reading the first chapters of Bereishit, to show how happy we are to begin the cycle again.

Once all these festivities are over, the atmosphere takes a sudden turn to the serious, and we say Yizkor, followed by Tefilat Geshem.  This year the first rains began slightly early and several sukkot were washed out or the lights fused by the sudden rain. However you will never hear anyone complaining about the rain in Israel. At the first droplets you hear children shouting in joy “Geshem!” (Rain!). It’s such an exciting experience after 6 or more dry months.  In the Torah, the rainfall in Israel is so closely connected to our behaviour and keeping the mitzvot that it is a positive relief, even to the secular amongst us, to see the rain arrive in the right time.

When Simchat Torah finishes tomorrow night, it has become an Israeli tradition to launch into second Hakafot, a second round of dancing with the Torah, but since it is no longer chag, we can use loudspeakers and have live music. It is a wonderful, uniting experience and it started as a sign of solidarity with our Diaspora brothers who celebrate Simchat Torah on the second day.

I wish you all a pitka taba, or a guten kvittel (a good note) for Hoshana Raba, and wish you all a wonderful chag same’ach for this last day of yomtov.

!חג שמח

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7 Responses to Simchat Torah 5778 – Chag Same’ach!

  1. Toda Raba dear Anne.  Same to you Amir

  2. sylvainsb says:

    no Facebook share link on this!
    Chag sameach

  3. Pingback: Simchat Torah 5778 – Chag Same’ach! – 24/6 Magazine

  4. Reality says:

    Now that all festivities are over(🙁)I wish everyone a good healthy winter.It was so lovely in shul over Simchat Torah.It really gives one energy for the coming year.A huge yasher koach on the Chazanim.May all our prayers be answered for a nice wet winter and we should all be sealed in the book of life.

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