Shabbat Shalom

Once again no time to write. Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom, on this Shabbat Shuva, the special Shabbat between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

May the coming week bring good news for all of us, Amen.

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2 Responses to Shabbat Shalom

  1. Reality says:


  2. Brian Goldfarb says:

    I do realise that the day before Kol Nidre (the service that starts Yom Kippur) is not really the time for this, but over on the Jewish Telegraphic Agency site, the following article was published today (, in which AOC (see the article of mine on her that Anne posted a few weeks ago []) accuses president Trump of antisemitism in his response to Democratic Adam Schiff, Chair of the House of Representative’s Intelligence Committee. Thi is in respect of the language Trump uses towards Schiff (see the first link above).

    My immediate response to the first article above was to wonder whether this should draw the attitude, given my comments in the second article linked to, that this is the pot calling the kettle black (as the old proverb(?) has it).

    You judge!

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