Obama’s AIPAC speech

Obama at AIPAC

Obama’s speech to the AIPAC convention last night was a great improvement on his policy speech from Thursday. It shows that he internalized some of the criticism levelled at him both by Benjamin Netanyahu and by other Jewish and Israeli leaders and activists. However, as you will see from my comments further on, he still doesn’t completely “get it”.   He’s on the right learning curve but he has quite a way to go.

Here is the full text of the speech so you can judge for yourselves (hat tip: Elder of Ziyon). The speech is in blue, my comments interspersed are in black. The speech is here in its entirety. I haven’t omitted anything

Good morning! Thank you, Rosy, for your very kind introduction. But even more, thank you for your many years friendship. Back in Chicago, when I was just getting started in national politics, I reached out to a lot of people for advice and counsel, and Rosy was one of the very first. When I made my first visit to Israel, after entering the Senate, Rosy – you were at my side every step of that very meaningful journey through the Holy Land. And I want to thank you for your enduring friendship, your leadership and for your warm welcome today. 

Thank you to David Victor, Howard Kohr and all the Board of Directors. And let me say that it’s wonderful to look out and see so many great friends, including Alan Solow, Howard Green and a very large delegation from Chicago.

I want to thank the members of Congress who are joining you today—who do so much to sustain the bonds between the United States and Israel—including Eric Cantor, Steny Hoyer, and the tireless leader I was proud to appoint as the new chair of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

We’re joined by Israel’s representative to the United States, Ambassador Michael Oren. As well as one of my top advisors on Israel and the Middle East for the past four years, and who I know is going to be an outstanding ambassador to Israel—Dan Shapiro. Dan has always been a close and trusted advisor, and I know he’ll do a terrific job.

And at a time when so many young people around the world are standing up and making their voices heard, I also want to acknowledge all the college students from across the country who are here today. No one has a greater stake in the outcome of events that are unfolding today than your generation, and it’s inspiring to see you devote your time and energy to help shape the future.

Now, I’m not here to subject you to a long policy speech. I gave one on Thursday in which I said that the United States sees the historic changes sweeping the Middle East and North Africa as a moment of great challenge, but also a moment of opportunity for greater peace and security for the entire region, including the State of Israel.

On Friday, I was joined at the White House by Prime Minister Netanyahu, and we reaffirmed that fundamental truth that has guided our presidents and prime ministers for more than 60 years—that, even while we may at times disagree, as friends sometimes will, the bonds between the United States and Israel are unbreakable, and the commitment of the United States to the security of Israel is ironclad.

This is a very important point and it is good that Obama mentioned this.

A strong and secure Israel is in the national security interest of United States not simply because we share strategic interests, although we do both seek a region where families and their children can live free from the threat of violence. It’s not simply because we face common dangers, although there can be no denying that terrorism and the spread of nuclear weapons are grave threats to both our nations.

America’s commitment to Israel’s security also flows from a deeper place —and that’s the values we share. As two people who struggled to win our freedom against overwhelming odds, we understand that preserving the security for which our forefathers fought must be the work of every generation. As two vibrant democracies, we recognize that the liberties and freedom we cherish must be constantly nurtured. And as the nation that recognized the State of Israel moments after its independence, we have a profound commitment to its survival as a strong, secure homeland of the Jewish people.

Again, this is an extremely important point to stress – not for AIPAC obviously, but for all the other international audiences, particularly the Arabs.

We also know how difficult that search for security can be, especially for a small nation like Israel in a tough neighborhood. I’ve seen it firsthand. When I touched my hand against the Western Wall and placed my prayer between its ancient stones, I thought of all the centuries that the children of Israel had longed to return to their ancient homeland.

This is one of the main points that Obama did not mention in his Thursday speech – the ancient link of the Jews to their homeland in Israel. I hope he remembers this in front of non-Jewish audiences too.

When I went to Sderot, I saw the daily struggle to survive in the eyes of an eight-year old boy who lost his leg to a Hamas rocket. And when I walked among the Hall of Names at Yad Vashem, I grasped the existential fear of Israelis when a modern dictator seeks nuclear weapons and threatens to wipe Israel off the map.

Because we understand the challenges Israel faces, I and my administration have made the security of Israel a priority. It’s why we’ve increased cooperation between our militaries to unprecedented levels. It’s why we’re making our most advanced technologies available to our Israeli allies. And it’s why, despite tough fiscal times, we’ve increased foreign military financing to record levels.

That includes additional support – beyond regular military aid – for the Iron Dome anti-rocket system. This is a powerful example of American-Israel cooperation which has already intercepted rockets from Gaza and helped saved innocent Israeli lives. So make no mistake, we will maintain Israel’s qualitative military edge.

I’m pleased he mentioned American-Israeli cooperation, especially for the boycott-promoters who rub their hands in glee when they think that American might cut Israel off.

You also see our commitment to our shared security in our determination to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Here in the U.S., we’ve imposed the toughest sanctions ever on the Iranian regime. At the United Nations, we’ve secured the most comprehensive international sanctions on the regime, which have been joined by allies and partners around the world. Today, Iran is virtually cut off from large parts of the international financial system, and we are going to keep up the pressure. So let me be absolutely clear – we remain committed to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

There is  a lot more that the US and the international community could do against Iran, but it’s a start.

Its illicit nuclear program is just one challenge that Iran poses. As I said on Thursday, the Iranian government has shown its hypocrisy by claiming to support the rights of protesters while treating its own people with brutality. Moreover, Iran continues to support terrorism across the region, including providing weapons and funds to terrorist organizations. So we will continue to work to prevent these actions, and will stand up to groups like Hezbollah who exercise political assassination, and seek to impose their will through rockets and car bombs.

You also see our commitment to Israel’s security in our steadfast opposition to any attempt to de-legitimize the State of Israel. As I said at the United Nation’s last year, “Israel’s existence must not be a subject for debate,” and “efforts to chip away at Israel’s legitimacy will only be met by the unshakeable opposition of the United States.”

So when the Durban Review Conference advanced anti-Israel sentiment, we withdrew. In the wake of the Goldstone Report, we stood up strongly for Israel’s right to defend itself. When an effort was made to insert the United Nations into matters that should be resolved through direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, we vetoed it.

And so, in both word and deed, we have been unwavering in our support of Israel’s security. And it is precisely because of our commitment to Israel’s long-term security that we have worked to advance peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Now, I have said repeatedly that core issues can only be negotiated in direct talks between the parties. And I indicated on Thursday that the recent agreement between Fatah and Hamas poses an enormous obstacle to peace. No country can be expected to negotiate with a terrorist organization sworn to its destruction. We will continue to demand that Hamas accept the basic responsibilities of peace: recognizing Israel’s right to exist, rejecting violence, and adhering to all existing agreements. And we once again call on Hamas to release Gilad Shalit, who has been kept from his family for five long years.

Obama had mentioned the impossibility of negotiating with Hamas in his Thursday speech, but I’m glad he reaffirmed this yesterday. And finally, a world leader mentions Gilad Shalit. Kol hakavod to him for remembering him.

And yet, no matter how hard it may be to start meaningful negotiations under the current circumstances, we must acknowledge that a failure to try is not an option. The status quo is unsustainable.

Once again we have this mysterious statement without any data to back it up. There is plenty of information available to prove that indeed, the status quo is sustainable if only Israel was given the political and diplomatic backing that it needs. Indeed, the status quo in “the territories” has been sustained for over 40 years, and the entire State of Israel for 63 years. Israel has only grown and prospered so I’m waiting for proof that it can suddenly only get worse. I’m pleased to note that Elder of Ziyon agrees with me.

That is why, on Thursday, I stated publicly the principles that the United States believes can provide a foundation for negotiations toward an agreement to end the conflict and all claims – the broad outlines of which have been known for many years, and have been the template for discussions between the United States, Israelis, and Palestinians since at least the Clinton Administration.

It wasn’t quite like that. The way Obama said it on Thursday, whether intentionally or not, it came over as if he intended that the end point of the negotiations should be the 1967 lines, and not the starting point. Here he has amended his stance – or at lest clarified it. Whether he really believes this and has internalized it or just said these words for the benefit of a Jewish audience remains to be seen.

I know that stating these principles – on the issues of territory and security – generated some controversy over the past few days. I was not entirely surprised. I know very well that the easy thing to do, particularly for a President preparing for reelection, is to avoid any controversy. But as I said to Prime Minister Netanyahu, I believe that the current situation in the Middle East does not allow for procrastination.

Again we have this intense urgency, as with the “unsustainable status quo”. On the contrary, with all the upheaval in the Middle East, now is the time for Israel to tread very carefully and very slowly. No one has ever explained to us why there is this urgency over coming to an agreement.

I also believe that real friends talk openly and honestly with one another. And so I want to share with you some of what I said to the Prime Minister.

Here are the facts we all must confront. First, the number of Palestinians living west of the Jordan River is growing rapidly and fundamentally reshaping the demographic realities of both Israel and the Palestinian territories. This will make it harder and harder – without a peace deal – to maintain Israel as both a Jewish state and a democratic state.

As I pointed out in my post on Obama’s first speech, this is nonsense. The figures do not reflect Obama’s statement.

Second, technology will make it harder for Israel to defend itself in the absence of a genuine peace.

Again, as I mentioned in my previous post, this makes no sense.  I quote my own words here: “he is right that technology will make it harder for Israel to defend itself.  All the more reason to hold on to that low-tech defense mechanism called “land’ or “territory”.  Ask any general or field officer what he thinks about holding land or giving it up to the enemy.”

And third, a new generation of Arabs is reshaping the region. A just and lasting peace can no longer be forged with one or two Arab leaders. Going forward, millions of Arab citizens have to see that peace is possible for that peace to be sustained.

Just as the context has changed in the Middle East, so too has it been changing in the international community over the last several years. There is a reason why the Palestinians are pursuing their interests at the United Nations. They recognize that there is an impatience with the peace process – or the absence of one. Not just in the Arab World, but in Latin America, in Europe, and in Asia. That impatience is growing, and is already manifesting itself in capitols around the world.

Obama is right that the context has changed, but completely wrong about the reasons. The world has become more anti-Israel, in fact more antisemitic, as it becomes acceptable once again to hate Jews and do so publicly under the guise of anti-Israel criticism.  This antisemitism may spring from genuine hatred of Jews, or from a viewpoint that sees the Jews as interlopers or colonials in Israel, but it makes no practical difference on the ground.  This is the reason why this attitude has spread to Latin America too – because dictator-like leaders like Hugo Chavez have taken power.

Furthermore, an “impatience” with the situation in the Middle East is no reason for Israel to rush in where angels fear to tread.  As I stated above, davka now in a time of huge uncertainty about the future of most Arab countries, Israel has to be supremely careful about signing any kind of agreement.

These are the facts. I firmly believe, and repeated on Thursday, that peace cannot be imposed on the parties to the conflict. No vote at the United Nations will ever create an independent Palestinian state. And the United States will stand up against efforts to single Israel out at the UN or in any international forum. Because Israel’s legitimacy is not a matter for debate.

Excellent that he reaffirmed the US’s opposition to the Palestinians declaring independence without agreement from Israel.

Moreover, we know that peace demands a partner – which is why I said that Israel cannot be expected to negotiate with Palestinians who do not recognize its right to exist, and we will hold the Palestinians accountable for their actions and their rhetoric.

Again, it’s excellent that he pointed this out. But how does he square this opposition to Hamas with demanding of Israel to negotiate, and negotiate NOW because time is of the essence? He doesn’t explain how a peace agreement, so urgent in his opinion, can be obtained under these circumstances of Hamas being in government together with the PA.

But the march to isolate Israel internationally – and the impulse of the Palestinians to abandon negotiations – will continue to gain momentum in the absence of a credible peace process and alternative.

Again, see above. The two opposing positions cannot be reconciled.

For us to have leverage with the Palestinians, with the Arab States, and with the international community, the basis for negotiations has to hold out the prospect of success.

Well, how about addressing some concrete demands of the Palestinians for a change?  For example stopping incitement in schools and the media. Stopping terrorism and rocket fire.  Cancelling the demand for the right of return of Palestinian “refugees”. That might help advance the urgent peace process.  Has anyone ever officially and publicly demanded this of the Palestinians?

So, in advance of a five day trip to Europe in which the Middle East will be a topic of acute interest, I chose to speak about what peace will require.

There was nothing particularly original in my proposal; this basic framework for negotiations has long been the basis for discussions among the parties, including previous U.S. Administrations. But since questions have been raised, let me repeat what I actually said on Thursday.

I said that the United States believes that negotiations should result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states. The Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state.

And here Obama shows that he still doesn’t get it. There is no way that Israel can remain safe without a presence in the Jordan Valley. Which means that “Palestine” cannot have a border with Jordan. Secondly, Palestine cannot be a contiguous state without making Israel non-contiguous. He has not addressed this oxymoron.  Furthermore, there are several states which are not contiguous, e.g. the USA and Alaska, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the UK and Northern Ireland – and the Falklands.  Why is Palestine then a special case?

As for security, every state has the right to self-defense, and Israel must be able to defend itself – by itself – against any threat. Provisions must also be robust enough to prevent a resurgence of terrorism; to stop the infiltration of weapons; and to provide effective border security.

Again, this is impossible without and Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley.

The full and phased withdrawal of Israeli military forces should be coordinated with the assumption of Palestinian security responsibility in a sovereign, non-militarized state. The duration of this transition period must be agreed, and the effectiveness of security arrangements must be demonstrated.

He is repeating the nonsense over and over. See again my post on his previous speech.

That is what I said. Now, it was my reference to the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps that received the lion’s share of the attention. And since my position has been misrepresented several times, let me reaffirm what “1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps” means.

By definition, it means that the parties themselves – Israelis and Palestinians – will negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967. It is a well known formula to all who have worked on this issue for a generation. It allows the parties themselves to account for the changes that have taken place over the last forty-four years, including the new demographic realities on the ground and the needs of both sides. The ultimate goal is two states for two peoples. Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland for the Jewish people, and the state of Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people; each state enjoying self-determination, mutual recognition, and peace.

This is his clarification on the 1967 borders issue, which is good. It still doesn’t compensate for all the other mistakes though.

If there’s a controversy, then, it’s not based in substance. What I did on Thursday was to say publicly what has long been acknowledged privately. I have done so because we cannot afford to wait another decade, or another two decades, or another three decades, to achieve peace. The world is moving too fast. The extraordinary challenges facing Israel would only grow. Delay will undermine Israel’s security and the peace that the Israeli people deserve.

Again this ridiculous urgency.

I know that some of you will disagree with this assessment. I respect that. And as fellow Americans and friends of Israel, I know that we can have this discussion.

Ultimately, however, it is the right and responsibility of the Israeli government to make the hard choices that are necessary to protect a Jewish and democratic state for which so many generations have sacrificed. And as a friend of Israel, I am committed to doing our part to see that this goal is realized, while calling not just on Israel, but on the Palestinians, the Arab States, and the international community to join us in that effort. Because the burden of making hard choices must not be Israel’s alone.

Well said! But he doesn’t specify what demands and hard choices must be made of the Palestinians. This is essential for Israel to feel secure and for a basic sense of fairness towards Israel.

Even as we do all that’s necessary to ensure Israel’s security; even as we are clear-eyed about the difficult challenges before us; and even as we pledge to stand by Israel through whatever tough days lie ahead – I hope we do not give up on that vision of peace. For if history teaches us anything—if the story of Israel teaches us anything—it is that with courage and resolve, progress is possible. Peace is possible.

The Talmud teaches us that so long as a person still has life, they should never abandon faith. And that lesson seems especially fitting today,

For so long as there are those, across the Middle East and beyond, who are standing up for the legitimate rights and freedoms which have been denied by their governments, the United States will never abandon our support for those rights that are universal.

And so long as there are those who long for a better future, we will never abandon our pursuit of a just and lasting peace that ends this conflict with two states living side by side in peace and security. This is not idealism or naivete. It’s a hard-headed recognition that a genuine peace is the only path that will ultimately provide for a peaceful Palestine as the homeland of the Palestinian people and a Jewish state of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people.

Thank you. God bless you. God bless Israel, and God bless the United States of America.

For more analysis of the speech, see the Jerusalem Post and Ynet in Hebrew which analyses the differences between his two speeches.

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12 Responses to Obama’s AIPAC speech

  1. Earl says:

    Utterly convoluted thinking, logically inconsistent and geo-histori-politically irreconcilable with fact. Good analysis, annie.

    I would only throw in that the “good” Palestinian terror group is no different from the “bad” Palestinian terror group (except in terms of the speed with which each wishes to destroy IL), and that the dar al-Islam v. dar al-harb dichotomy which is a central tenet of Islam precludes anything beyond a hudna with Israel. “ME Peace” is impossible.

    /methinks that this “Barack” is riding a pink unicorn…

  2. R Thompson says:

    Obama said: The Talmud teaches us that so long as a person still has life, they should never abandon faith. And that lesson seems especially fitting today.

    Now he’s a Talmud scholar? “Teaches us…?” He is the most shameless piece of sh*t pandering b*tch boy I’ve ever observed.

    One thing to be said: Do NOT believe anything this man says. Nothing. Particularly if it sounds like it might be good for you. What it is with this guy is he plans to f*ck you without giving you a kiss. (“Dog Day Afternoon”).

    Please pardon my “French” … I’m busy chasing the chambermaid. :-))

  3. R Thompson says:

    Obama said: If there’s a controversy, then, it’s not based in substance.

    Only to the willfully ignorant. I repeat my San Remo 1922 position yet again. The ONLY reason there is controversy at all is because murderous vested interests and their squishy fellow travelers make it so. We Irish call that “Blarney.”

    Restore the rightful borders. Dang right.

    Oh, wait, the IDF already did that in June 1967.

  4. R Thompson says:

    I owe Anne a response to her “speech” post, but it boils down to this: In terms of realpolitik today, I cannot improve or add to what Anne has said, nor to Earl’s additions. I acknowledge it, but I do not “buy” much of it. My problem is that today’s realpolitik Israel vs “Palestinians” is almost as convoluted as US tax code, and equally over complicated. I’ve been “in” this debate for some 45 years now, beginning in 1967 when I was working full time and completing my university study at night. I saw the 1967 storm coming as Nasser stirred up the ME with fiery speeches, and June was no surprise. I fully understood the preemptive reasons then. I was surprised by the 1973 war and lost a next door neighbor (one of two who returned to Israel when war broke out) to it.

    I have no further patience for any of this palaver and detail machination, particularly by those outside of Israel. Israel cannot afford another 1973. Yet, I fear another may be in the offing. As radical elements are hyped up by minute questionable successes elsewhere begin to think again of large scale war. When ignorant leaders spout off with gibberish and contradictory nonsense they place others, in this case, Israelis, in jeopardy.

    All I can say, given our present executive leadership in the USA, do NOT trust a word they say. Not one. That group will only come in aid if it suits their personal vested interests. Craven is to nice a word. Obama uses the word “we” and “us” only when he’s referring to the potential sacrifice of others. That and when he’s lecturing on the Talmud.

    • anneinpt says:

      I have frequently said on other forums: “Aridog for Foreign Minister! and Defence Minister!”. :-).

      Seriously, I agree with you 100%. about the damage that all this international meddling in our business is doing to Israel. And to the Palestinians for that matter.

      I don’t know what the realpolitik situation demands of our politicians, but I really wish I did, because then we would know why it is that our leaders cannot say full-face to the US, UN, EU, all the rest of the alphabet soup, that the status quo is indeed sustainable; that the Arabs have to give up their right of return, that there will be no return to the 1967 borders, that Jerusalem is Jewish and will not be divided… etc. I wish I really knew what constraints are at play and what pressures are being brought to bear on our politicians.

      But I think your fears of another 1973 are unfounded. Israel was so traumatised by that war that they will never let themselves be so surprised again (I hope).

      And I don’t think many Israelis trust your administration as far as they can throw them. It’s sad but that’s the situation.

      I too was outraged that Obama quoted our Talmud back at us. I’m not even sure it’s an accurate quotation. Joem would know.

      And your “French” in your previous comment is excused. Mine is equally bad when I’m in a temper. 😀

  5. lewy14 says:

    I don’t know what the realpolitik situation demands of our politicians, but I really wish I did…

    annie, allow me to speculate.

    Since this is realpolitik we’re talking about, I’ll be as blunt as Kissenger on Ambien and vodka, and hopefully more coherent.

    (Also note I’m not describing what I think ought to be, just what I think is. I trust that my previous posts are sufficient evidence that my sympathies towards Israel are genuine and evident, so don’t read too much into what I write).

    The United States, for the purposes of international security, functions a lot like an empire. (Yeah, I know, this is a talking point of the Left – and there are a zillion reasons why the Imperial analogy is bogus – but the analogy is close enough in raw security terms that it fits.)

    So. Empire. Recall the Romans designated allied tribes as Foederati and relied on them to help secure the frontier.

    Israel is one Feoderati. So is Saudi Arabia.

    Crazy, huh? Well, Turkey and Greece are both part of Nato. Go figure. It makes sense in realpolitik space (or at least it did during the Cold War)

    Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, etc, are all totally in our camp… Iraq was in our camp till 1991. It is again, sort of, maybe to stay, maybe not. Lebanon looked like they were going to fall our way in 2005; now, not so much. Syria never was with us. Egypt was not, till 1978, when they decided to join the party.

    Iran was very much in our camp until 1979. Since then they’ve aspired to become regional hegemon, and/or cat’s paw for Russia.

    This cannot be allowed to happen. The Empire has responsibility to keep nukes from flying and to keep the oil flowing. And that is pretty much the bottom line necessity.

    The point put to any Israeli leader of the last thirty plus years or so is that any future in which nukes fly and oil does not flow is not a future in which Israel is cozy and content. And that means the Foederati cannot be allowed to fight (excessively) among themselves.

    In particular the current situation is this: the “Arab Spring” has cast the legitimacy of the ancien régime of all our (non-Israeli) Foederati in the region is now cast in doubt – and so too the legitimacy of our common enemies (Iran and Syria… we’ll include Libya so as not to insult it).

    We can’t at this juncture claim that “democracy doesn’t matter”. Note that Netanyahu could not disparage the popular Arab uprising and was compelled to welcome the concept (concept) of Arab democracy. The uprisings in Syria and Iran leave no other course. (Why? The hypocrisy of supporting uprisings in Iran and Syria and crackdowns in Egypt and Bahrain cost any American President too much legitimacy in the United States and the rest of the democratic countries in their Imperial camp.)

    So, gently, gently, we acknowledge the legitimate aspirations of the people of [wherever] to blah blah… the point is, that the rulers of our allied states are now de facto answerable to their people in a way that they were not even five months ago – this will be true whether or not the ancien régime is swept away or not. And for Bahrain, this is especially critical – our damned carriers are parked there.

    Iran is the real enemy. The American President cannot take actions or make statements which would jeopardize the legitimacy the rulers of his Foederati – no turds in the punchbowl. Telling the world that the United States recognizes the permanent annexation of the West Bank in light of the 1922 San Remo agreements would be exactly such a punchbowl turd. That’s not an opinion, it’s just reality. (If the reality were the opposite, and accepting that 1922 agreement meant the EU could keep the lights on and the Benzes running, you’d hear them talking about Judea and Samaria real smart like).

    Finally, remember that the Empire is weak, and broke, and that the enemy this time is unusually resolved, to the point where deterrence and reason are doubted. So everyone must be on the same page here, or the Persian gulf will become so in fact as well as name, Hezbollah will be fruitful and multiply, and popular rulers and shura councils up and down the gulf will be deciding their policies with their newfound buddies in Tehran. Because the only gulf we’ll be able to patrol from Virginia is the gulf of Mexico, and that will become our new priority so we can grow enough wheat for the bread lines.

    annie you’ve observed that Obama’s speech has certain good points and certain terrible points, but on balance, it simply does not make sense – too much open contradiction. Since this is a realpolitik post, I’ll dispense with my own opinion of Obama, and allow him the consideration I would any American President.

    So when the American President tells the Israeli leadership something that simply does not make any sense, and does it in so many ways as to preclude the possibility of a slip or a misunderstanding, then what he is saying is this: This is a game. What we need is for you to play along.

    I predict more roadmaps to nowhere. More kabuki.

  6. lewy14 says:

    Hmm, I read over what I wrote and I think I should make explicit something that I left implicit or stated too “cutely”.

    There is a danger – a credible risk – that Iran can evict the United States military from the middle east without firing a shot. It will do so by infiltrating and provoking popular uprisings in the region. New rulers will in turn demand the exit of our forces.

    The Iranians know this, and this is their goal.

    • anneinpt says:

      Lewy, thank you for your thoughtful and insightful comments. They really are good food for thought. I basically agree with nearly all your points.

      The fly in the ointment is that Israel has to “make nice” or “play along” with the “Empire” in order to keep that Empire going. I understand that and even agree. In theory. In practice, Israel making enough nice or playing enough along will lead to Israel’s own destruction.

      That is a circle that cannot be squared. I’m not necessarily blaming anyone. It’s the reality. Realpolitik roolz.

      • R Thompson says:

        “Games” have “roolz” ….”roolz” can be changed. If the timid don’t make changes, the aggressive will. The objective is to win and I don’t see that as an outcome, for us or Israel, long term with the games of today … unsquared circle and all that.

        We need to change the rules. By force if necessary. If not too late already.

        And no more “nation building” … spit! That’s one of the major serious ways we are “played” today. Wield the sledge hammer, skip the finish carpentry thereafter.

        Did no one in politics today see the movie “The Mouse that Roared?”

  7. R Thompson says:

    This is a game. What we need is for you to play along……More kabuki.

    Good summary of the “realpolitik” vis a vis the Middle East. However, is there not a danger of losing control of the “game?” A danger of “playing along” to the tune of others interests not your own? I, for one, do not think the USA is in control of squat in the Middle East … we get played by almost all players at the table.

    My reaction to the bin Laden raid wasn’t so much about his death as it was the clandestine violation of Paki sovereignty nature of it …e.g., the message being “get in our way and we’ll F’ up your sovereignty and run right over your raggedy arse.” That it took 10 years to “git ‘er done” diminishes the overall impact, however. And I’m certain Pakiland will invoice the Pentagon for multiple millions monthly as they have for all of those 10 years … for providing services to us, ya’ know.

    I think I’m descending in to a dementia of sorts. I visualize this “game” as one where opponents sit at a table across from one another to determine who blinks first. My inclination would be to not wait for the other guy to blink, just shoot him between the eyes and be done with it. That’d make the next guy to sit down across from you a bit more anxious. No?

    • anneinpt says:

      No, you’re not going mad Aridog. Your feelings echo my own – that Israel is being asked to pay the coin of the game of realpolitik. That’s why “the game” only works in theory, not in practice. See my comment.

      And now to read Netanyahu’s speech. I was out all day…

  8. anneinpt says:

    R. Thompson/Aridog at 21.05: I can’t reply to your comment – only 3 replies allowed (my own settings, duh!).

    Re rule-changing, I think that’s what Bibi tried to do today in his speech (see my latest post on his speech to Congress today). Ditto re “the mouse that roared.”

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