70th Yahrzeit Azkara for David, Elchanan and Uri Strauss HY”D, 7th Adar 5773, 17th February 2013

Above: David, Uri and Elchanan HY"DBelow: The 3 brothers with Judith תבדל"א

Above: David, Elchanan and Uri HY”D
Below: The 3 brothers with Judith תבדל”א

On 17th February 2013, 7th Adar 5773, the family organized an azkara for Mum’s 3 brothers David, Elchanan and Uri HY’D who were killed in Sobibor.  The hard work and research was done by Noam Corb, son of Uri Corb, together with David Prager.

The evening was an incredibly moving event, bittersweet and yet happy too, with such a huge number of us present from all around the world: from Canada, England and of course Israel: about 100 direct descendants of my grandparents Leo and Daja Strauss z”l.

The evening started with a siyum of Masechet Chulin which Grandpa used to learn over and over again, since he was a Shochet and this tractate contains all the laws of shechita. Henry sang Kel Malei Rachamim very movingly and then we moved on to the content part of the evening, where David showed a presentation of dozens of photos and slides, explaining as he went along.

The evening finished with all of us singing Ani Ma’amin, and we all received a photo album of the entire family through the generations.

Anyone who wants documents and photos should contact David directly for information. If you don’t have David’s contact details, please contact me at the email shown in the right-hand sidebar here, and I will forward your request. Or leave a comment below.

Edited Yom Hashoah, 8th April 2021:

Some more pictures of the brothers were posted online, copied from the book written by Noam Corb “As the flight of the bird”:

Noam says the pictures were taken by the Dutch authorities at the border, just after they arrived to the Netherlands. Every child in this kindertransport from Frankfurt to Naarden got a number.

The story of the Strauss brothers, and the research that led to finding the date of their deaths, was written up in the Yated Ne’eman newspaper in Hebrew. Here is an embedded translation by me of the article.

And embedded here is the scanned copy of the original article in Hebrew. I don’t have a link to the actual article. If I find one, I’ll post it here.