Purim Same’ach! Happy Purim

Purim Same’ach! Happy Purim

Let’s put aside all the depressing news that dominates the airwaves. Purim is here and it’s time to celebrate!

The festival began at sundown this evening  when we went to shul and heard the Megillah (Book of Esther) being read, with the ra’ashanim (greggers) of various sorts – from toy gun caps to bells, whistles, rattling keys, even phone ringtones! – drowning out evil Haman’s name every time it was mentioned; and there was lots of laughter at some of the funny costumes and hats that people turned up in (including yours truly in a very unbecoming blonde wig. :-) ).

Later we went to our friends for a Purim party, complete with a quiz and funny games, and delicious food. A great time was had by all! 😀

Our Mishloach Manot parcels are all wrapped and ready to be delivered tomorrow, and then we’ll be off to our Seudah at our our son’s house together with all our children and grandchildren. Quiet it won’t be…  📢 🙉♫ ♪

This is part of my contribution to the Seudah: rainbow-coloured Challot, topped with sprinkles. I am so proud of myself! :-):

One rainbow challah

Rainbow challahs – the finished product

For your Purim entertainment here are a few funny videos and pictures.

In case you are still not sure what Purim is about, here is Jewish American actress Mayim Bialik giving a (very!) condensed version of Purim 😀

Here is former British Chief Rabbi Rabbi Jonathan Sacks with Jewish comedian Ashley Blaker, talking about Purim:


It’s funny to see Rabbi Sacks taking the mickey out of himself, and also the outtakes at the end.. 😀

This is how sick children in hospital are entertained on Purim:

In Schneider Hospital in Petach Tikva, the window washers dressed up as super-heroes!

Super-hero window washers at Schneider Children’s Hospital, Petach Tikva, Purim 2018

And who better to conclude this post with than Sivan Rahav Meir, the popular Israeli journalist and commentator, who has become something of a “Rebbe” herself:

More than one million students – from kindergarten children to teenagers – wore costumes to school this morning. Why is it that so many years after the Megillah story, this morning so many clowns, princes, princesses and policemen [OK, also Static and Ben El (very popular Israeli singers)] will go out into the streets? What is the meaning of this custom? Here is an explanation sent to me last night by a reader who wants to remain anonymous, and it is based on Hasidism: “The whole year round we are captivated by our own stigmas about ourselves and by what other people think about us. Purim is a day of opportunity, because the costume reminds us that just as one can easily change externally – so it is possible to change also internally. The grey routine does not have to defeat us. The costume we wear today is just a reminder of our ability to really renew ourselves, to be refreshed, to develop, to surprise ourselves and our surroundings for the better. After all, it is not only on Purim that we wear costumes. Sometimes we wear a fake costume all year long. But we can do a VeNahafoch Hu (a Purim expression that means: turn things around), because it is possible to do things differently”.

Wonderful food for thought for a joyous holiday.

Wishing everyone who is celebrating Purim Same’ach! Happy Purim!

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3 Responses to Purim Same’ach! Happy Purim

  1. Pingback: Purim Same’ach! Happy Purim – 24/6 Magazine

  2. Michael Caplan says:

    Happy Purim!!

    Michael ________________________________

  3. Reality says:

    Love the Challot!Purim Sameach!

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